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Sora Digital Library

Getting Started With Sora

This link will take you to a site that explains where and how to download the Sora app as well as how to use Sora. It explains the different tabs in Sora and the way to make adjustments/personalizations to get the most out of Sora.

Sora -WarrenHills Digital Collection

Use your Warren Hills Google email account to sign up and check out books.

Books can be borrowed for 2 weeks. You can return any book early if you finish it before the due date. You can renew a book for another 2 weeks as long as someone else isn't waiting for the book. Books will automatically be returned at the two week mark unless you return it sooner or renew it before the due date.

Books that are assigned to you from your teacher as a class read are signed out to you for the time period that the teacher has prearranged.

Any parts of the book that you highlight or notes that you take while reading the book will remain in your SORA account even after the book has been returned. When you highlight a line or more from the text, after you have chosen one of three colors for highlighting the passage, you must click on the word "note" to add your thoughts to be saved with the passage. 

If you need any help with SORA, please email me at and I will be happy to assist you.

Sora - Northern New Jersey Digital Library

You will use your Warren Hills Google email to access the books from this library as well. 

Book check outs are for 2 weeks similar to the Warren Hills Sora collection.