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Transportation Policy

Bus Transportation

Many of our students ride the school bus daily.  Students or parents who need assistance with a bus problem concerning location or time of pick-up, or changing from one bus to another should call the school district's transportation coordinator, Mrs. Peggy Edmiston  at 689-1119 Ex. 1601. 
There will be no daily changing of buses nor changing of buses on a temporary basis.  Special transportation requests for students staying with friends on a temporary basis will not be honored.
A permanent change of a bus will be considered only if space is available on the bus requested.  This request must be submitted in writing to the Transportation Office prior to the change.  The change would be for the same bus everyday for the remainder of the school year. 
The driver is in full charge of the school bus at all times and has the same jurisdiction over students on their bus as a teacher does in the classroom.  Drivers have the prerogative to assign seats.  Students are to remain seated as directed and refrain from distracting the driver. 
No skis, ski poles or snowboards are to be transported on school buses.  These items are considered projectiles and by State Law are not permitted. 
Students who ride buses are not permitted to get off buses at any stop other than their assigned stop. 
Any pupil who fails to comply with rules designed to insure the safe operation of the school bus is subject to the following action:

  • 1st offense - driver gives verbal warning to student and reports warning to office
  • 2nd offense - driver submits misconduct report to building principal, who gives verbal 
  • warning to student OR sends a letter of warning to parent about  action on future offenses.
  •  3rd offense -  suspension from the bus for one to three days
  •  4th offense - suspension from the bus for five days
  • 5th offense -  suspension from bus until a meeting is arranged involving building administrator, parent, and counselor.  At the meeting, conditions will be established as to changing the behavior of the student while being transported.  Also at the time, conditions will be established as to what will occur if another offense develops.
  • 6th offense - possible permanent suspension from being transported on a District vehicle.

The administration reserves the right, depending on the seriousness of the offense, to move to any step in the above process.  Bus rules are applicable to all school transportation. 
Parents of students excluded from buses are expected to provide transportation to and from school during the period of such exclusion.   
Sometimes buses do break down.  If this happens, another bus will be sent to pick up our students.  Please be patient. 
Late Activity Buses:  Buses to transport students who stay for after school activities or sports will be available (times to be determined).  Late activity buses do not run on Monday, Wednesday or Friday.  Students who stay after school should do so for a valid reason, i.e. extra help, make-up work, extra-curricular activities, etc. not to socialize.  Late buses are for those students who have stayed after school for a legitimate reason, and students are required to present a bus pass (obtained from teacher or coach in charge of activity) to the bus driver.  No student without an appropriately signed bus pass will be permitted to ride the late buses!  Please refer to the bus schedule  on the bulletin board in the main office for the bus schedule and route drop offs.