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Medical Excuse Policy

Warren Hills Regional Middle School
Physical Education Department
Medical Excuse Policy

    (Exemption verified by a written doctors note)
    The purpose of this policy is to provide all medically excused students a means of earning credit/grades while they are excused from physical activity.     
    Any student, who is out of physical education for four consecutive days or more, will bring a doctors note to the school nurse. The school nurse will direct all students to their physical education teacher to review and discuss their assignment(s). The teacher will also describe the process that each student must follow to receive full credit/grades. If a student is medically excused for four or more days, they are responsible for one assignment every two weeks. If a student is excused for a one-week period, they are still responsible for the completion of one assignment. All students will also receive a two-week period to complete assigned work.
    Medical excuses that state until further notice are only valid for three weeks. Students who fail to update this excuse within the three-week period will receive unexcused absences for the days missed in excess of the three-week period. Ultimately, this could result in a student losing credit or failing the course.

    If you have any concerns or questions related to our medical excuse policy, please contact your child's teacher or department chairperson.