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Health 8 Course Syllabus

8th Grade Health #9240

Eighth grade health includes instruction on substance abuse, emotions and mental health, coping skills, community health resources and personal skills.  A comprehensive family life unit is also taught.  Family life education addresses the subjects of gender roles, human growth and development, male and female reproductive systems, reproductive health, interpersonal relationships, sexual behavior and responsibility, abstinence, contraception, pregnancy, childbirth, AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases and infections.

No tool(s), instrument(s) or equipment (compasses, knives, scissors, bats) used in the instructional process of this course may be removed from the classroom/lab/shop/gym without the express permission of the teacher in charge.

8th. Grade Health:
1.    Explain how the setting of long term goals enhances responsible decision making.    
2.    Analyze how health decisions and behaviors are influenced by family, peers, culture, and the media, and develop strategies that support effective decision-making and safe behavior.
3.    Identify three decision-making styles.
4.    Describe and demonstrate effective communication skills, decision-making skills, refusal skills, negotiation skills, and assertiveness in situations that influence adolescent health and safety.    
5.    Recognize anger cues and signs of hidden anger.
6.    Understand how to use anger management skills.
7.    Discuss how nonverbal behavior and mixed messages affect communication.
8.    Identify guidelines for using the telephone responsibly.
9.    Analyze how family, peers, culture, media, technology, and the environment affect wellness.
10.    Describe the impact of crisis, loss, stress, rejection, separation, and loss, and develop coping strategies for each.            
11.    Understand the general adaptation syndrome and how it relates to health.
12.    Explain causes, symptoms and strategies for prevention of depression in teens.
13.    Describe the characteristics of a loving person.
14.    Discuss roadblocks to healthful relationships and factors that support and sustain friendships and a marriage.
15.    Describe and discuss affection, love, commitment, and sexual attraction, and the difference between having sexual feelings and acting on them.
16.    Analyze the causes of conflict and violent behavior in youth and adults, and describe nonviolent strategies for individuals and groups to prevent and resolve conflict.
17.    Discuss healthful family behaviors.
18.    Identify  different kinds of family patterns.
19.    Understand changes that may occur in family relationships and how to adjust to those changes.
20.    Recognize the influence of peers and the media on risk behaviors, injuries, and violent behavior and apply good decision making skills before following friends or trends.
21.    Analyze sexual messages, images, and stereotypes presented in the media and discuss their impact on sexual behavior.
22.    Identify safe dating guidelines and qualities of a good person to date.
23.    List and understand the many reasons/benefits of choosing abstinence.
24.    Develop strategies to support sexual abstinence.
25.    Acquire refusal skills to Say No to pressures/influences concerning sexual activity.
26.    Discuss the impact of early sexual activity on physical, emotional, and social health.
27.    Understand that marriage should be a lifetime commitment
28.    Discuss traits to consider when choosing a marriage partner.
29.    Describe the responsibilities of parenthood, with an emphasis on teen parenthood, and discuss the impact of parenthood on parents, family members, and the child.
30.    Discuss reasons teen parenthood is risky.
31.    Analyze predicted monthly expenses, calculate a monthly budget and compare the results with one's probable income.
32.    Explain how health is influenced by the interaction of body systems with emphasis on the endocrine and reproductive systems.
33.    Describe the changes that occur during puberty and adolescence.
34.    Identify the anatomical parts and organs that comprise the male and female reproductive systems.                                                                                                                                
35.    Describe the functioning and processes of the human reproductive system and the physical and emotional changes that occur at puberty.
36.    Describe a healthy adolescent, discuss illnesses common to this age group and identify proper ways to prevent, reduce, or eliminate these health problems.
37.    Compare and contrast the various methods of contraception used to reduce the risk of sexually transmitted diseases, HIV and unintended pregnancy.
38.    Recognize that abstinence is the only 100% effective method of preventing pregnancy.
39.    Acquire knowledge of the mother's and baby's growth and development from conception to birth.
40.    Identify causes of infertility and the modern medical methods and procedures that can help overcome infertility problems.
41.    Discuss the importance of prenatal care and various problems that can occur during a pregnancy.
42.    Discuss the stages of labor and various types of delivery.
43.    Understand what abortion is, the various types and the laws pertaining to abortion.
44.    Evaluate and understand the risks, dangers and consequences of premature sex and sexual activity. Understand why abstinence is the best choice for teens.  
45.    Explain how practicing healthful habits now will help you live longer later.
46.    Identify the causes, modes of transmission, and symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases/infections, including HIV/AIDS.
47.    Discuss diagnostic testing methods and treatments for sexually transmitted diseases/infections,
48.    Describe the harmful effects of sexually transmitted diseases/infections and list reasons to avoid infection.
49.    Identify risk behaviors for transmission of STDs/STIs/HIV and list behaviors that will reduce or eliminate one's risk of getting any sexually transmitted infection
50.    Recognize that abstinence from sexual activity and substance abuse is the best protection against STD/STI/HIV infection.
51.    Understand how HIV destroys the immune system and the physiological effects on the rest of the body systems.
52.    Discuss various types of violent behavior and be able to recognize signs or symptoms of violence.
53.    List protective factors that help reduce the student's risk of violence.
54.    Explain the steps in victim recovery.
55.    List the reasons why people use/abuse drugs.
56.    Explain ways drugs enter the body.
57.    Classify chemical substances by their actions on the body, and describe the short and long term effects of their use.
58.    Discuss the appropriate use of medicines, prescription and over-the-counter, and the dangers of drug interactions.
59.    Analyze the impact of chemical substances on development, behavior, and activities.
60.    Describe the signs and progression of chemical use, abuse, and dependency throughout the life cycle.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
61.    Identify and explain how to access resources for information, support, and the treatment of problems related to the use and abuse of chemical substances.
62.    Acquire resistance and refusal skills to Say No to pressures/influences concerning harmful drug use and abuse.
63.    List reasons and benefits of Saying No and adopting a drug free lifestyle.
64.    Discuss laws pertaining to the use, sale, and possession of alcohol and other drugs.
65.    Identify and demonstrate health practices that support and enhance personal and family physical and mental health.


Tests/Quizzes (written, oral, practical)....................................50%
Long Term Assignments/Projects...........................................20%
Class Participation/Attendance...............................................10%
Final exam for health will be valued at 1/9 of the final grade for health and physical education combined.