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Developmental PE H Course Syllabus

Middle School

The developmental physical education program has been designed for students who may have special needs in the area of physical education.  Assisting students to realize their full physical potential in spite of health, physical, social or emotional problems is the main goal of this course.  Activities are geared to help the students experience success and to enhance their self-esteem.  Students are selected for this program by teacher or doctor recommendation.

No tool(s), instrument(s) or equipment (compasses, knives, scissors, bats) used in the instructional process of this course may be removed from the classroom/lab/shop/gym without the express permission of the teacher in charge.


1.    Acquire skills that promote satisfaction when participating in sports and recreational activities.
2.    Acquire competencies which promote self-esteem, confidence, social acceptability and independence.
3.    Acquire an understanding of and a better ability to deal with physical challenges.
4.    Attempt to attain positive modification of identified personal weakness(es) and build strength and endurance.
5.    Acquire a minimal level of skill in team/individual activities that will allow for satisfactory participation.
6.    Acquire a knowledge of the rules and strategies of team/individual activities that will enable the students to understand the objectives of each activity.
7.    Develop a positive attitude towards physical activity and wellness.
8.    Actively participate in physical activity to the best of one's ability.
9.    Develop an understanding of social games and interact positively with other classmates during cooperative games.
10.    Promote rhythmic body coordination, balance and posture.
11.    Perform locomotor (walk, run, jump), non-locomotor (bend, reach, turn) and manipulative (throw, strike, kick) movement skills.
12.    Modify basic movement skills by applying  movement concepts (digestion, speed), biomechanical principles (force, projection) and rhythm  (tempo, beat).
13.    Adapt movement skills in relation to objects, other participants, and boundaries.
14.    Combine movement skills to participate in physical activity, such as games, sports, and lifetime recreational activities.
15.    Identify the components of health-related fitness and describe activities related to each component.
16.    Demonstrate appropriate techniques used in fitness activities.
17.    Participate in health related fitness activities.
18.    Increase knowledge of health and hygienic practices.


The students have specific needs which are very personal to them as an individual.  Since activity is geared toward meeting individual goals and success, as well as socialization skills, each student's capabilities are taken into consideration when grading.  Evaluations will be based on student's attitude and effort as observed and measured formally and informally by the teacher.

Whenever possible students will be required to dress out for class each day in attire appropriate for physical activity.

Each student starts out with 100 points.

Area I - Proper attire- Participation - Attendance            60 points

    2 points off - Failure to wear entire prescribed uniform - First Time
                 (Sneakers, shorts, T-shirt and socks)   Sneakers must be securely fastened             with all laces visible on the outside.  Hiking boots are not allowed.

    4 points off - Second time unprepared and subsequent unprepareds.

    1 point off - Missing athletic socks

    1 point off - Inappropriate shirt
    1 point off - Wearing jewelry

    1, 2, or 3 points off - Unsatisfactory participation

Area 2 - Effort, Improvement and Cooperation            40 points

***  Individual situations may require that a student stay in his/her school clothes, but wear sneakers.  This will depend on an individual's abilities and will be determined by the department.


  1.  Physical education instructors will be available during the time of 2:20 - 2:45 to provide instruction to students who desire extra help in physical education and to administer written and skill tests to students who need to make them up.
  2.  It is the responsibility of the student to contact the instructor and arrange for a time to make-up any assignments missed.  A student who misses a written or skill test, due to an absence, will be allowed two weeks from the date he/she returns to school to make up the test(s) missed.  
  3.  Failure to make-up a written or skill test will result in a zero (0) being awarded for that particular test.
  4.  A medical excuse is defined as an illness/injury that is verified by a nurse/doctor's note.  Should students accumulate 20 or more medical excuses in a marking period, he/she will be given a medical excuse for that marking period.  No grade or credit will be awarded for that marking period.  A medical excuse has no bearing on a student's final grade.
  5.  Any unique situation which is not covered in the above guidelines will be resolved by the department supervisor/principal, with each situation being evaluated on its own merits.